From facilitating the renaming of this century-old telephone company, to bringing its new line of products to market, the overall campaign melded old-fashioned service with new-age technology. ?BMG has great skill in creating brand awareness in regional markets.? CHRISTA PROPER General Manager Richmond NetWorx ? RICHMOND NETWORX ? As agencies that provide services for people with disabilities face deeper funding cuts, it becomes increasingly vital that they look to private donors for additional program revenues. An ongoing branding campaign for the Center for Discovery is achieving that goal. ?The entire BMG program ? including the phenomenal video ? is the true workhorse in my development department.? RICHARD HUMLEKER Director of Development ? THE CENTER FOR DISCOVERY ? Print Creating a three-dimensional dynamic in a two-dimensional medium is the stunning achievement of BMG?s award-winning print work. From healthcare to hospitality, our concept and design teams turn out sharply focused print and outdoor advertising and corporate collateral that deliver the right message every time. Click on the menu to the right to see examples. ? PRINT ? Interactive Media BMG?s new media team has achieved recognition for the signature fashion in which it integrates fresh design with the latest technology in developing websites, CD-ROM presentations, Web animation and other interactive media. These dynamic electronic creations all have a single goal in mind: To get your marketing messages directly to potential customers in a way that engages the imagination. Click on the menu to the right to see examples. ? INTERACTIVE MEDIA ?

LASER EYE SURGERY ? Early Intervention Services BMG/Healthcare has worked with agencies serving individuals with developmental disabilities for more than a decade, including some of the nation?s most prestigious organizations. Early Intervention not only can provide dramatic help for children, but is equally vital for their families as well. In the campaign shown below, the nationally renowned Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State differentiates itself from competing services available through county departments of health.?

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